Thursday, July 29, 2010

Look What Just Arrived

Today I received a large package from Gollancz (my UK publisher). *cue the dirty thoughts*

Done? Okay, here are the UK covers for Shadow's Son in hardcover (left) and trade paperback (right). I think they came out awesome.

Thanks, Gillian!


J.M. Martin said...

That must feel like Christmas, dude. Congrats! Now get back to writing!

DRC said...
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DRC said...

My UK version is on its way!!! Can't wait!!!

Jon Sprunk said...

J.M.: I am! I am!

DRC: Hope you enjoy it.

Elicius said...

It is totally awesome! I loved it more than toast! Thanks Jon!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Terrific covers and hard back!

Lynn said...

I enjoyed Shadows Son very much. I can't wait to see what you have in store for Caim.

Keep up the great work.