Friday, August 6, 2010


I just turned in the manuscript for Shadow's Lure to my agent today. I'm sure he'll have some things to say about it, and I have a couple sections I want to polish a bit more, but for all intents it is done.

Then again, "done" only means it is ready for several rounds of editing by the publisher...


Heidi Ruby Miller said...

Congrats, Jon!

It always feels good to finish, doesn't it?


Jon Sprunk said...

It sure does.

Lynn said...

Grear News Jon

I know it will be as good as the first one. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Keep up the good work.

DRC said...

Despite the length of a manuscript, the best words ever written through out the entire first draft are "The End"

I just love those two words...

Well done you!! x

Unknown said...

Congratulations, I read your book last night whilst I was supposed to be writing a series of boring work related blog entries and articles. It is refreshing to find a nice straight forward unpretentious fantasy novel.

Too many authors are following in the footsteps of Jordan et Martin, with their constant switching of characters and chopping of the story line.

I thought maybe there was hints of Waylander (David Gemmell) in Caim, and if so it is a great influence to have and I can only hope you continue to grow in that direction.

Stay safe and have fun.

Some random bloke in the arse end of England.

PS. Keep on shaving, we need fantasy authors who don't feel the need to look like characters from their own books :)

Jon Sprunk said...

A, thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad you liked it.

And I'll keep shaving. My wife prefers me that way.